Customer and environmental welfare are top priorities at BioFit, which is why we proudly offer products compliant with Healthier Hospitals guidelines. Heathier Hospitals encourages manufacturers to provide information on furniture and fabrics that meet the Healthy Interiors goals of the Safer Chemicals Challenge.
The Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemicals Challenge seeks to reduce harmful chemicals used in some health care products, many of which have been linked to a range of negetive effects on individual health, public health, and the environment. Healthier Hospitals (HH) makes it easier for hospitals to select furniture and materials that meet the Healthy Interiors goal of the Safer Chemicals Challenge.
BioFit's Healthier Hospitals Compliant Products
As a participating manufacturer, BioFit is committed to the Healthier Hospital goals in its seating products. The BioFit seating products - including chairs, stools, footrests and upholsteries - shown in our BioFit Healthier Hospitals Catalog, meet the Healthier Hospitals Healthy Interiors Challenge.
For additional details on criteria and guidelines, download our Healthier Hospitals product brochure.
Learn More About Healthier Hospitals
- Visit the Healthier Hospitals website.
- Learn more about the HH Safer Chemicals initiative
- Download available resources.